
Transitions Survey results

Thank you for taking the time to complete our last survey – Transitions.

There were 76 responses and many different views expressed.

You said:

 Your main priorities are the need for:

  • greater clarity about transitions rights and responsibilities
  • improve information and communication with parent carers
  • a more coordinated approach to support services from Education, Social Care and Health

We did:

We shared the survey results with our strategic partners at Derbyshire County Council in SEND and social care services and health. They are now working with our parent carer representatives to coproduce and improve transition services.

Two DPCV parent carer representatives have joined the SEND Strategy Transitions Development group and they will be co-producing a set of ‘Frequently Asked Questions’ and running some transition workshops with parent carers in March to identify other improvements.

Click here to see a summary (PowerPoint) or the full report (word) of our Transitions click here